Product code: N/A

Felix Faust Pro Model Graphic Fingerboard Deck

43,95 59,95 

- Skateboard construction

- Thinner and lighter (~2mm)

- Heat transfer graphic (designed by @_felixfaust_fb)

Two sheets of tape (0.5mm) and stickers included.

Created by hand in Serbia

- 9 ply maple construction

- Stronger and more rigid

- Standard thickness (2.3mm)

- Heat transfer graphic (designed by @_felixfaust_fb)

Two sheets of tape (0.5mm) and stickers included.

Created by hand in Serbia

- 7 ply construction with 2 plies of carbon fiber

- Stronger and more durable

- Thinner, lighter and more realistic (≈1.6mm)

- Heat transfer graphic (designed by @_felixfaust_fb)

Two sheets of tape (0.5mm) and stickers included.

Created by hand in Serbia

- 7 ply maple construction

- Thinner and lighter (2mm)

- Heat transfer graphic (designed by @_felixfaust_fb)

Two sheets of tape (0.5mm) and stickers included.

Created by hand in Serbia

  • Original
  • Visok
  • 7 slojeva
  • 9 slojeva
  • CarbonCore
  • 32mm
  • 34mm
  • 36mm
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Made with a skateboard construction.
Thinner veneer ensures the boards are not thicker or heavier.
*Original Shape features medium kicks and very low concave.
*High Shape features slightly higher kicks with some added concave.
All boards are street shape unless noted otherwise. This means that the nose is slightly higher, longer and more rounded than the tail, like on a real skateboards.
All boards are 97.5mm long.

*All boards are ~0.3mm wider to make sure the trucks don’t stick out from the sides. For an example, a 34mm board is actually around 34.3mm wide.

Additional information

Weight N/A

Original, Visok


7 slojeva, 9 slojeva, CarbonCore


32mm, 34mm, 36mm


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